The 2005 digital art project “Tibetan cossacks” features a series of seven prints that delve into the themes of Zen Buddhism, sexual liberation, and the absurdity of violence. The project’s central image showcases crowds of people protesting in the streets, demanding the right to multiple orgasms as a symbol of their rejection of oppressive norms and values.
Drawing inspiration from the historical context of Zen Buddhism in Japan, the project challenges the hierarchy of power and the values imposed by the ruling class. It also explores the concept of “Tibetan Cossackism,” a term used to describe the synthesis of Eastern mysticism and Russian culture.
The art installations feature a variety of materials and media, including video projection and 7 digital prints. The project incorporates humor and satire, taking cues from the tradition of Zen paradoxes and using laughter as a tool to expose absurdity. Each piece challenges the viewer to rethink their assumptions about power, violence, and sexuality and embrace a more liberated and compassionate worldview.
Created with the aim to spark dialogue, the project provides a space for people to express their frustration and anger at the current state of the world while offering a vision of hope and transformation.
These multimedia works premiered on June 10, 2005, at the International Photographic Festival SIBERIAN BIENNIAL, where they earned 3rd place in the ‘Multimedia projects’ category. The event took place in Surgut, Russia.
Warning: Only a selection of works from the complete series is featured on this page. This art project contains nudity and may not be suitable for all audiences. To view the complete series, please click here